I’m in Nova Scotia. It’s very windy. I’m surrounded by the ocean and rocky cliffs. I love it.
Today was mostly a driving day (side-note: I drove 700-miles before I saw my first cop) and the weather wasn’t particularly great either. While the conditions took the beauty out of most of what my camera could capture today, it has been one heck of a gorgeous tour so far.
Crashing in the northern part of Nova tonight and then traveling along the coast down to Halifax tomorrow. Was planning to be up for sunrise, but that is at 4am EST and I might need more than four hours of sleep.

My homework assignment when I get a chance: Research the waste disposal practices of Nova Scotia. I don’t know what is happening here, but 50% of the driveways I pass are stacked with trash. I’m not talking bags of your normal disposable items–I’m talking like stoves, mattresses, oil furnaces (the most-common), and just about any other major appliance you would find in a kitchen or a basement. Now, don’t get me wrong–this place is very clean. In New England, ‘adopt-a-highway’ means a crew of a dozen people pick up a good 50 bags of trash along a couple-mile stretch of highway. In New Brunswick/Nova Scotia, it was one man walking down the highway with no trash bag, picking up the rare items of trash by hand.
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